Inflated ring...such a simple and yet genius form of entertainment on water! If you put it together with a powerful boat the fun starts-but if you find 6 people who want to try them, there's a party for you! Tube rides are fast, unpredictable and curvy, mostly accompanied with screams of your better halves, or even some girlish man shrieks. CAUTION: this is a contagious form of fun which causes uncontrollable laughter!
Places: Min. 2 - Max. 6

If you find tubes too demanding for you, but you still want to experience a dose of adrenaline and fun with your family or friends, the couch is there for you. The couch is the perfect compromise between the adrenaline lovers and those who want something a bit less dramatic. The whole family can fit, and it is still fun, fast, bouncy and the curves make your head spin. This ride is availaible in all weather conditions, so you can pick out either a wavy crazy ride, or the calmer one.
Places: Min. 2 - Max. 7

If you are up for the fastest ride, your choice should be the mattress. Although at first it looks tame, it is actually the craziest watersport activity we have. It is hard to hold on, and afterwards you feel like you went to the gym. It is fast, it does the curve faster than the boat, and it is extremely fun for those who want something more. The Mattress is more suitable for young people who are not afraid to fall out or get a bunch of water in their face.
Places: Min. 2 - Max. 4